
Icy Peach Sorbet

Okay so I know I just did a dessert recipe last week, and I KNOW it was also a peach recipe, but this is just too good not too share. Peaches are in season right now, obviously, so I've been eating way more than my fair share this summer. I've also had a ridiculous sweet tooth lately.. has anyone else? Just me? thought so.

Having a sweet tooth is fine, but when you have one every single day it gets to a point where you just need to stop... or just come up with some healthier dessert options! Which is what I did, or rather, what I'm trying to do.

I thought a sorbet was a good place to start since, 1. I'm trying to cut out most dairy products, and 2. It's summer!! Who doesn't want to eat some cold fruity sorbet or popsicles?? Definitely a no brainer.

Keep reading to find out the recipe!

  • 5 peaches (frozen) 
  • 3/4 cup water
  • 3/4 cup sugar (or less if you want to make it healthier) ((if you do this make sure you match the water))
  • 2 1/2 teaspoons lemon juice  
** I want to point out that I know this isn't exactly "healthy" because of all the sugar, but there are peaches.. so it's healthier than say, ice cream or cake or something.

  1. Peel and slice peaches
  2. Make simple syrup by putting water + sugar in a pot (with the stove on medium). Stir until sugar is dissolved. 
  3. Put peaches and simple syrup in a blender. Add lemon juice. (i'd start with 1 tsp of lemon juice). BLEND!!!!
  4. After blending, taste it and make sure it's to your liking. You can add more lemon juice if desired, and blend again. 
  5. Pour into a loaf pan (or whatever you want) and put in the freezer. 
  6. Let it freeze for an hour and then stir with a fork. Continuing stirring every 30 minutes until frozen to your liking. 
This recipe is done without using an ice cream maker, so it's a lot icier than it would be if you had used the ice cream maker. (if you want to do that, message me and I'll let you know how to do it that way!)

If you want to make popsicles, just pour the mix into popsicle molds and freeze! 

Thanks so much for reading, 


Super Sweet Peach Cobbler

Hi y'all! Today's post is going to be a yummy peach cobbler recipe. I found this recipe on pinterest and I knew I needed to try it for myself. I was not disappointed at all when I tasted this. It's perfectly sweet and delicious with a scoop of ice cream!!

This recipe is from Ashley Wagner over on CenterCutCook!

I was going to include a photo from before it went in the oven but it looks pretty disgusting with the batter poured into the butter.. If you make this for yourself you will understand what I mean, haha!

Prep time: 10 min             Cook Time: 45 min        


  • 6-8 fresh peaches, peeled and sliced
  • 1 teaspoon vanilla
  • 1 tablespoon fresh lemon juice 
  • 1 teaspoon ground cinnamon 
  • 2 cups sugar (divided)
  • 1/2 cup unsalted butter, melted
  • 1 cup flour
  • 1 tablespoon baking powder
  • 1 cup milk 
  • 1/4 teaspoon salt
  • Preheat oven to 375°.
  • Peel peaches by pouring boiling water over them, let sit for a minute and remove them from the water. Then peel. 
  • Pour melted butter into a 13 x 9 in baking dish. 
  • In a bowl, sift together flour, 1 cup sugar (the other is for the peaches), baking powder, and salt. Add in milk and stir until combined. Pour batter over the butter. Do not stir. 
  • In a saucepan, combine peaches, the other cup of sugar, vanilla, lemon juice and cinnamon. Bring to a boil, stirring constantly. Pour this mixture over the batter. DO NOT STIR. 
  • Bake for 40 to 45 minutes or until golden brown. 
  • Cool slightly before serving. 
  • Serve with vanilla ice cream :-) 
The batter will rise above the peaches during baking so don't worry if the order of pouring seems incorrect!!

Thanks for reading!! Let me know if you try making this at home!


New Music Thursday - Summer Sun

Hi guys I've got another playlist for my 'new music thursday' series! 
If you haven't listened to HAIM's album.. do it. It's seriously so good. Anyways, here's all the stuff I've been listening to! Enjoy!!
I hope you're all having a great week! Thanks for reading 


Day in Corona del Mar

Hi guys! Today I'm going to be sharing some pictures I took from the day I spent at Corona del Mar! It was such a beautiful day and it wasn't too crowded by the water.

There were so many crabs and fish in the tide pools and one almost crawled on my foot. I was horrified. I unfortunately didn't take any pictures of the tide pools because I was afraid I was going to drop my phone. I actually ended up losing my shoes (twice) so I guess it was best that I didn't have my phone over there, haha!

Sorry there weren't more pictures, but a lot of the ones I took were repetitive since we were on the smaller side of the beach!

Thanks so much for reading! I hope you all had a great holiday weekend + fourth of july!! ♡