That being said, I don't always feel like eating breakfast but I've been trying to! When I wake up I'm not hungry at all. In fact, I don't get hungry until like 2 hours after getting up! So that can be tricky depending on what my plans are for the day.
I also have a bit of an egg intolerance so I try to stay way from eggs as much as possible. Which is why all my breakfasts are usually fruit based.
If I'm going to work I like to stick to something light since I'll eat a snack a little bit later in the day. I also try to stay away from dairy so if I mention a diary product I'm using then it's a dairy alternative! (i.e. coconut milk yogurt, earth balance butter, almond milk)
My go to is toast! The cool thing about toast is you can dress it up so many different ways.
this looks so gross lol but it tastes good I swear
Another breakfast staple is granola! I like to eat it on top of cereal, on a smoothie bowl, in some yogurt, or as a base with some fruit and almond milk! It's so yummy. My favorite is the honey almond one from Open Nature.
granola, blueberries, banana, almond milk
smoothie bowl I made with frozen tropical fruit mix, almond milk and I think a banana. topped with granola
My last easy breakfast is fruit! I eat fruit almost every morning. Fruit digests quicker than most foods so I try to have fruit be the first thing I eat in the day. Throw this stuff on cereal, oatmeal, toast, a smoothie, or eat it alone! It's always refreshing and tasty. I love berry smoothies (blueberries are my favorite fruit) and it's easy to just pick up some frozen berry mixes at the grocery store. The frozen ones last longer obviously, and they make the smoothie thicker. Which also comes in handy when you want to have a smoothie bowl cause otherwise you'd be having fruit soup. Trust me, you don't want that.
peaches, a nectarine, and a banana
Eat ya fruit kids!
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