
Camping Photo Diary + Essentials

Hey guys! Over the weekend I went on a little trip with my boyfriend and a group of his friends!! We stayed in a cabin up in Big Bear and it was such a much needed break from work and from the interwebz. It felt so nice to not use my phone and just relax.

Now originally this was going to be two separate posts, but between work and things I needed to get done before we went on our trip, everything just got away from me. I didn't have much time to take any pictures of my bag with the exception of a few outfits (that I didn't even bring).

So below I included those pictures and some photos I took while we were up in the mountains! Now again I didn't take much pictures because we were only up there for a day and I kind of just wanted to enjoy my time without any cell service!

First things first, some of the clothes I brought with me.

Some camping trip must haves;

  • Baby wipes for cleaning, wiping down tables, your body if theres no shower. 
  • Sunglasses + a hat - gotta keep that face protected from the sun
  • Snacks - for the car ride up there and back 
  • A cooler - for in the car to hold food/water if it's going to be hot on the car ride
  • First Aid Kit - my boyfriend sliced his foot open literally an hour after we got there so it's good to be prepared

Now here's all the photos I took while we were there! My boyfriend also got some cool shots of our trip so go check out the video he posted on his instagram!!

Thanks for reading! New post up on Thursday!!


Making Instant Ramen Healthier and Tastier!!!

I've got a recipe coming your way in 3...

Now who doesn't like ramen? Honestly? Its so good and hello instant ramen is QUICK + and hits that salt craving head on. But if you're like me then you're probably like uhh hello there's too much sodium in this and it's kinda boring... So if you want to spice up some cheap noodles then this is the recipe for you!

This is actually my favorite way to eat ramen so I'm really excited to share this with you! And obviously real authentic ramen is going to be better but this is good for when you need a quick meal at home and you don't feel like doing too much.


  • Bag of ramen noodles
  • 1-2 green onions
  • Water
  • Soy Sauce
  • Sesame Oil
  • Pre-cooked + shredded chicken (optional)
  • Spinach
  • Kale

  • So first you are going to start out by cooking the noodles like you normally would. While these are cooking, go ahead and cut the green onion. 
  • When the noodles are done, pour like 3-4 drops of sesame oil in. But be careful because it's very strong. Now throw some spinach and kale in there. The amount you use is up to you. I like a lot so I'll do a few handfuls of each (and they shrink up so even that isn't enough) 
  • Once they've wilted a bit put in the onions and the chicken if you're using it. Then add the seasoning mix that comes with the noodles, but DON'T use the whole packet. Only use like 1/4 of it. Stir it all together. 
  • Put it in a bowl, pour some soy sauce over and enjoy! 
If you want it to be little spicy you can pour some sriracha on top as well!

Thanks for reading and let me know if you like my recipe!! 


I'M BACKKKK!!!! + summer music playlist

Hey y'all! Long time no see! It's me, Sammi. I decided take a break from blogging last summer due to me not being inspired and confused about the direction of my blog.

Over the last..year almost, I've been trying to better myself and figure out if I wanted to continue on in the blogosphere. Obviously me writing this post tells you that I have in fact decided to return! I'm really excited to get back into things and put out better content than before!!

Today's blog post is going to be very simple and pretty much a transition post for what's to come. I have here a summer playlist full of fun summer tunes, mainly new but some oldish stuff to getcha in the groove.

I hope you enjoy! I'm hopefully going to have a new post up next Thursday! Not sure what my posting is going to be like as my schedule changes every week but I will try to be as consistent as I can! Thanks for reading (and listening.. hehe)