
I'M BACKKKK!!!! + summer music playlist

Hey y'all! Long time no see! It's me, Sammi. I decided take a break from blogging last summer due to me not being inspired and confused about the direction of my blog.

Over the last..year almost, I've been trying to better myself and figure out if I wanted to continue on in the blogosphere. Obviously me writing this post tells you that I have in fact decided to return! I'm really excited to get back into things and put out better content than before!!

Today's blog post is going to be very simple and pretty much a transition post for what's to come. I have here a summer playlist full of fun summer tunes, mainly new but some oldish stuff to getcha in the groove.

I hope you enjoy! I'm hopefully going to have a new post up next Thursday! Not sure what my posting is going to be like as my schedule changes every week but I will try to be as consistent as I can! Thanks for reading (and listening.. hehe)

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