
July Favorites + some light reflections

Hey everyone! Today I'm going to talk about all of the things I've loved this past July. This year has been flying by! I can barely keep track on what day it is to be honest.. Except for Thursday's obviously since that's when I post on here :-)

So before I get into my favorites, I just want to reflect a bit on the past month. My work schedule was pretty hectic and I wasn't getting much sleep so I've been running on empty all month.

I've been so tired and out of whack but things are calming down a bit and I'm excited to be able to put in more time on the blog and with my other endeavors!

I also recently went on a little much needed vacation (which I just posted a blog about! Check it out here if you missed it!!).

I absolutely love the mountains and being able to be there with my boyfriend and our friends was so incredible. Even though it was totally hot and there was 10 of us staying in a two bedroom cabin, I wouldn't have traded it for anything.

Anyways, I won't bore you with everything that happened in July, but just know that I feel recharged, extremely grateful, and almost as if I had an epiphany. Or an epiphery, as Michael Scott would say.

On to the favorites!!!
  • Fruit - this feels so weird to put as a favorite but it's true. I've been eating so much fruit lately and I can't get enough of it! I put it on oatmeal, I make tons of smoothies, I'm eating it by itself. I just can't stop. 
  • Living Proof by State Champs - THIS ALBUM RULES. THIS IS. THE BEST ALBUM OF 2018. POSSIBLY EVEN EVER. this shit SLAPS. 
  • Animal Crossing 'New Leaf' - okay I know this game is like super old but ??? It's incredible. I bought a 3DS a few months ago and I'm not kidding when I say I play this game every. single. day. 
  • Amali Multi Strap Sandals - These slide sandals are so friction cute I can't even stand it. They are from Target and they have them in red (the color I got) and in black. The straps are sometimes annoying because you have to fix them if your foot slips out even the slightest bit. I purchased these for Fourth of July and they were perfection!!
  • Cooking - I've just really been loving cooking lately! I want to cook all the time and I want to create new recipes and try other people's recipes as well! It's very relaxing to me (even though I get frazzled while I'm actually cooking.) I love learning new things and I love eating so this has been a really fun thing for me to explore. Of course I'll be sharing my cooking journey here on the blog with all of you as well!
  • Mamma Mia - This is one is kind of embarrassing honestly. I've watched this movie (the first one) more times this month than I care to admit. Sometimes even watching it more than once a day.. I'm so obsessed with it and the soundtrack. And if I'm being honest, the movie itself is all over the place. It's not even like a 5 star movie, but I just can not stop watching it. Here I go again! 

Sorry if this is boring y'all! I got more to come to the blog soon so keep an eye out! 
As always thanks for reading!!


  1. Replies
    1. Blog is fire! There's an animal crossing game on mobile too!

    2. I play the mobile animal crossing! It's cute but not as fun as the actual game
