
Tropical Beachy Popsicles Perfect for Summer!

As the title of this post states, we're going to be making popsicles today.  I've been eating soooooo badly lately and I've been struggling to eat anything at all. Thanks hot weather!!!!

These are super super SUPER easy to make. All you need is a blender and some fruit. (and popsicle molds. If you don't have those you can make tiny little pops in an ice cube tray!) These honestly make me feel like I'm on some tropical vacation so I really recommend making these! A cool beachy treat! Or should I say.. peachy... :-)

So I got these popsicle molds from Target. They also have these ones, and these ones as well. 

Now you can use whatever kind of fruit you like, but today I used peaches, pineapples and bananas (and oranges with the orange juice). I didn't measure anything but I used

  • a whole banana
  • 2 handfuls of peaches
  • 1 handful of pineapple 
  • like 1/2 - 1 cup of orange juice
If I was making berry popsicles I would've added spinach because that's how I always make berry smoothies!! You won't be able to taste the spinach at all so it's an easy way to get some greens in for the day! 

Like I said before, I didn't measure anything so the amount you use of each fruit is going to be based on your personal preference! If you're using frozen fruit I would recommend using a bit more liquid than normal so that it will blend better. 

Also keep in mind that there are only 6 popsicle molds so be wary of how much you're making. Or you know just make a lot so you can have a yummy fruit smoothie while you wait for the popsicles to freeze!

Once you pour the smoothie mix into the molds, they will take around three-ish hours to freeze completely. When you want to eat one, try holding the popsicle under hot water for around 30 seconds to remove it from the container.

That's all!! This is the perfect summer treat to be honest. Easy to make and will cool you down in this gross weather!

Cold weather plz come back!!!!!!!!!!!

Thanks for reading everyone! 
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