
My Photography Journey

Hi guys!

Today I'm getting personal.. sort of. I'm going to be talking about my journey with photography. 

I love taking photos. I love it so much. This is something that feels 100% right to me. Looking at the photos I take at the end of the day is so rewarding. Especially when I felt horrible while taking them. (I'm my own worst critic.)

I definitely go back and forth in my head saying "these aren't turning out. these look horrible. this lighting is awful. you don't know what you're doing." To be fair, I don't know what I'm doing. In fact my boyfriend has been so good with me on this. He's helping me whenever I need it, he's answering all my questions, and he's supporting me! He's the most wonderful person on earth. So thanks for all your help babe! 

Another thing; taking photos is like, riveting? I love being able to capture moments and cool scenery. Being able to look back at them and remembering that moment perfectly; What I was wearing, who I was with, and what we were talking about. That's so amazing to me!

I haven't taken very many pictures with my new camera yet as I've been fairly busy and it's been raining almost every day but I'm excited to go out hopefully sometime next week and take some!

Here are some of the photos I've taken. You probably have already seen them as I posted them over on my instagram already.

In part 2 of this blog post I will have way more to share but I wanted this post to be the beginning of a new series. I'm going to be sharing things I'm learning along the way. I'll be sharing the photos (obviously) and talking about my experience the whole journey of becoming who I want to be.

So I apologize for the short post but this is only the beginning! So get ready! 

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