
New Years Resolutions ☆

Happy New Year!

I know it's like the second week of January but I wanted to take some time to think about where I'm going with the blog and prepare for some other exciting things happening in my life at the moment. I do have some resolutions and goals for 2019 and I think the new year is a good time to reset and make a change in your life (if you want to).

Obviously you can start anytime of the year and you don't have to wait until the new year begins but I think that's when you really start thinking about starting fresh and making a change. So that's what I'm doing!

Number 1 on my list of goals for this year is to blog more consistently. I've always wanted to and tried to but this year I'm really gonna step up and make sure I'm posting on a schedule every week. So look out for new posts every Tuesday from now on!

2. I want to read more! I love reading but I never have time (or if I do I'm just lazy and I don't do it). So this year I'm going to read a book a month! Maybe even 2 depending on how often I'm able to actually sit and read something. The first one will be Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire. Now I actually have already started this.. I'm almost done but I'm using this month as my incentive to finish it.

3. Cooking! I really enjoy cooking but I don't do it as often as I'd like. I'm very lazy unfortunately and I'm always exhausted and never want to do anything but that changes now! I'm going to cook at least 3 times a week! So follow me on Instagram to see what I cook up!

4. Take better quality pictures. I actually just bought a camera for this! I'm so excited to use it and see what I can do. I LOVE taking pictures and I LOVE to edit them but usually I only take them with my phone or my film camera which doesn't really allow me to edit them.

5. Getting healthy!! AKA working out and eating better and drinking more water. I all of a sudden want to work out???? Which is so bizarre considering I'm always exhausted after work and I hate sweating. But nonetheless! I will try to exercise more often! I think I'm more excited about buying workout clothes though..

Those are my main goals for the year! Hopefully I can stick to them for the most part!

As always thanks for reading and check back next Tuesday for a new post!

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