
Fun Photo Diary (Disney + Girls Day)

Howdy friends! I had a cool idea to do an entire blog post dedicated to a trip to Disney but because I'm me, I barely took any photos. BUT, I will be sharing the photos I did take from when I went.

I know, you're probably thinking, "why don't you just go back?" Well you see, my pass is blocked out the entire summer and by the time I can go again it's going to expire. Also I don't see myself renewing it due to them raises prices and the fact that I'd rather spend my money on something else!

The past year with a pass has been so much fun and I'll miss it for sure. Maybe I'll get one again in the future but for now, it's so long.

I was so happy to see that for my last Disney trip I get to see the castle! It's been being refurbished for what seems like forever but she's back better than ever! That fresh paint tho

What's your favorite treat from Disneyland? I have to get a churro every time I'm there! It's my favorite thing I think.

The rest of these photos are from a fun day of treating yo self. Got my nails done, got donuts, and got my ears pierced! Very exciting day. 

I don't have any pictures of the piercing place but I got my second lobe piercing's done. Didn't hurt at all, though I wasn't really expecting it too! 

here's the piercing and also my extremely faded pink hair 

Thanks so much for reading! 

Next week's post is going tome full of recipes! Hint: It's all about the most important meal of the day! I've been working on it for a few weeks now so I'm excited to finally share the finished product. 


May Favorites + Life Update

Hello friends! It's finally June aka summer and I couldn't be happier about it! Though I think deep down the only reason I like summer is because winter is not far behind. You guys know what winter means, right? Christmas! The most wonderful time of the year!

No but really, I'm excited for the warmth and going to the beach and basking in the sunshine. Apparently the sun hasn't gotten the memo yet though because the June gloom has been in full force this week it seems. The weather will be warm soon enough!

On another note, I have been having a creative itch lately. I want to create and make art more than I ever have before. Building up the courage or even the energy to get started is hard though, especially with everything going on. Here I am though. Making the effort. Getting things done. I'm very proud of myself.

Sitting at my desk right now and writing all of this out is fueling the fire inside me. I feel very content and after this I'm going to go paint something. I don't know what, but I'm gonna try! I've never been good at drawing or painting things. My creativity usually comes through in other ways. And hey! If my painting isn't totally and completely awful I'll probably end up sharing it here!

Something else I've been yearning to do is get out and take some photos! I feel like the last time I even held my camera was on my camping trip :-( That makes me very sad to be honest. I think I haven't felt inspired to take any pictures since some (most) of the film I got developed turned out horribly. I still have a couple more rolls and hopefully those aren't as bad but, honestly I don't even want to see in fear that those are messed up as well.

I'll gain the courage someday. Maybe that day will be soon. But for now, I'll take pictures with my polaroid. Which is just as fun and almost better since I get the photos right away!

Anyways, enough updates for one post I think. On with the favorites!

The first thing I've been loving is fruit. Yes, fruit. That may seem weird but I've been eating a lot of fruits and drinking a lot of smoothies lately and I just can't get enough of them! So good and so good for you! It makes me not want actual sweets anymore actually which is a little added bonus!

smoothie bowl with granola

Second thing, the color pink. Another weird one honestly but, I'm drawn to everything pink. Heck.. even my hair is pink now! I just think that soft blush tones are so pretty as decor. It's soft enough that it's not too overpowering but still brings the perfect amount of color into a room!

Next up we have an ice roller! I got mine off of amazon and it's life changing. You just freeze the roller and take it out when you're going to use it and ta-da! The most relaxing thing ever. It's supposed to help with rejuvenation and sore muscles. I got mine to help relieve sinus pressure and to help with my TMJ pains! This is honestly the coolest thing I have ever purchased.

The next and final thing is something very important. I used to not use this and have finally come to my senses and use it everyday if I'm going to be outside at all. Sunscreen! I always hated the way sunscreen felt on my skin but this one is really great and I don't even notice it. The only problem is that it has an insane white cast so I do have to wear foundation over it when I wear it or else I'll look like a zombie. I use the La Roche-Posay Anthelios Mineral sunscreen. It's the SPF 50 and it's for the face and body!

That's all for my favorites last month! Thanks so much for reading and sticking around y'all.


Garlic Dip Perfect for Potatoes!

I know, I know. Before you even say anything. I know. I've been absent from the blog yet again. But you know what? That's ok.

I'll get better at posting more frequently. In like 2 weeks I will have a more open schedule and will be able to get posts up with more ease. So just be patient with me while I get through some scheduling issues and me being completely exhausted!

But for now, here's a recipe that I find myself making quite often. Its from the Center Cut Cook!

I've used this recipe for both the potato wedges and the dipping sauce and they are both really yummy! I typically don't measure anything out when I make it, simply because I'm lazy and it will taste good no matter what.

Though I will warn that it may be a tad bit garlic-y for some! Which is an easy fix.. don't use as much garlic! But I love garlic and will even add more than the recipe calls for. My boyfriend wasn't a huge fan (because the garlic was too overpowering) but I think he would like it if I made it for him again!

The potatoes that go along with this isn't much so I find that I have more dip than potatoes to go around. That isn't a problem for me of course because it also tastes incredible with potato chips! Which may seem obvious because its a potato but it's not a very chip worthy dip.. but try it. It's good, I promise. It also goes well with carrots and other crunchy vegetables!

Here's the recipe

  • 1/3 cup mayo
  • 1/4 cup sour cream
  • 2 teaspoons minced garlic
  • 1/4 teaspoon paprika
  • pinch of salt
  • 1/4 teaspoon black pepper 

Is this post totally boring because I don't have a picture? I agree. But you know what. Thats life sometimes. Sometimes all your photos get deleted. Sometimes you don't want to make food you aren''t in the mood for just to take a photo. Nobody's perfect y'all! 

But you can expect a photo filled post soon. Very soon. Don't you worry.