
Spring Weekend Photo Diary

So a couple weeks ago I went with my boyfriend to go film his podcast. If you want, you can listen to it over on youtube!

I didn't know what to expect honestly and I had to be quiet the whole time! So I watched Mama Mia on my phone and listened to music. But the next time I go I'm going to be in charge of the camera.. aka making sure it doesn't stop recording mid shoot.

I had so much fun though! I love listening to my boo talk about cars.

I did take more photos but it was dark and I'm working on editing them to make them look all purdy ya feel. 

Next on our weekend adventure.. BEACH!! Except we always do this. It never gets old though!
Something amazing happened while we sat on a bench to watch the sunset.. A BUNNY HOPPED OUT OF THE BUSHES. I was giddy with excitement. You all (hopefully) saw the picture I posted on my story when it happened.

We also made an appearance at a bonfire with some friends but I have no pictures since I didn't bring my camera! Oops! 

Now since I haven't talked much in this post I wanna chat a lil about some things I'm doing this month! First off, I'm getting my hair done this weekend and I am beyond excited. I've been waiting like 3 months to do this and it's finally happening! I'll share the results via instagram obviously, don't worry. 
Next, I've got a bunch of posts coming! Like I have so many different ideas and cool approaches on things and I'm just really excited for them to come to fruition! Also hollaaaaaa at the fact that I've had a couple posts up this month and I'm gettin serious with this thang!! 

Just very proud of myself for sticking to it. (lol it's been like 3 posts calm down girl) 
Speaking of girl.. have you guys seen New Girl? I'm rewatching it for like the hundredth time and I love it so much. One of my favorite shows for sure. 

My film was developed! Well, some of it was. I got 2 rolls developed and of course, like 2/3 of the pictures were blurry! What can you do though. It was my very first time using a film camera and I'm still learning so I'm not going to let that bring me down! 

Having the pictures in my hand even if they didn't turn out the way I wanted was so special to me. One of my favorite things to do is look through old photos from when I was little. The photos that my mom has from when she was my age. It's so nostalgic and lovely. All of the memories in each one and being able to transport back to the moment when you look at them! 

Anyways, that's enough photo talk. I have a photography update coming soon so I'll go a little more in depth there and even show some of my film that turned out ok! 

See ya next week!


Let's Talk - Earth Day

Happy Earth Day friends!

Do you care about the environment? Do you need some ideas of ways to help this beautiful earth we live on? Well great news! I'm here to help.

Let's talk basics.

Super duper easy things you and I can do. These are small things. Something you can do every single day!

  1. Recycle! This is probably (and hopefully) something you already do! And if you aren't......why
  2. Reusable water bottles! Don't buy single use plastic bottles anymore! Get a water filter and get your water this way. It's so easy and it honestly tastes better than bottled water anyways. Win win situation here. 
  3. Reusable grocery bags!! Keep them in your car and you'll always have them with you! Bonus is that you now won't have to pay for bags at the store (since most of them charge nowadays) 
  4. Switching to bar soap! This is obvious. There's no plastic container to be wasted! And it's also beneficial because, to me, liquid body wash seems to not last long at all for the price it is. 
Now let's get into some harder but still doable things. 

  1. Going meatless a few times a week! Even doing this one day (meatless Mondays duhhhhh) is beneficial. I avoid meat like 3/4 times a week. There's also a lot of meat alternatives on the market right now that tastes just as good! 
  2. Cleaning up. Yup. Have you ever been to the beach and looked around? There's trash EVERYWHERE. I wish this was not true, but unfortunately there's a lot of people out there who don't care and litter. Don't be that person. There's trash cans at the beach. And if there isn't one? Keep your trash with you until you find one. Easy. Now since people probably won't stop doing this, YOU can help by going out to the beach and picking up trash! Get some friends together and do a beach cleanup or even just pick up anything you see when you're out taking a stroll. 
  3. If you wear makeup, try using reusable makeup wipes! Microfiber cloths are great for removing makeup and can be used forever pretty much. Most single use wipes will just sit in a landfill since they can't be recycled. That being said, Simple and Burts Bees make biodegradable makeup remover wipes!
Let's save this earth y'all!


Visalia Camping Trip

The past couple months have been crazy and this last week has been even crazier. Even though I just got back from vacation I feel completely drained and I'm hoping to get out of that funk soon. But for now I'm going to share with you all some pictures I took on my trip! It was such a great time and being away from social media and being away from..people...was refreshing. 

My boyfriend and I drove up to Visalia for a truck meet and camped out with a bunch of his buddies and we had the best time! I miss it already. I truly wish I was still there right now.. (even though I fell in the snow and had a hornet with us in the car while we were driving up the mountain).

While we were up there, we decided to drive up to the Sequoias to see General Sherman Tree! All of the trees up there are absolutely incredible but that one is an entirely different story. If you've seen it then you know what I mean!

Now I was not expecting there to be snow so the fact that we saw some, even if it was melting, was so cool! I've never been in snow in my entire life, except for when I was a baby, but that doesn't count.  I loved every second of the slush we all walked around on (and filled our ice chests with). I'm thinking this winter calls for a real snow trip.. what do you guys think? 

My boyfriend and I also slept inside his truck which was very new to me as I'm very much a tent camping kind of gal. I need space to move around! But the truck bed was super comfortable, maybe even more comfortable than a tent? 

Do you guys sleep in a tent? Or do you go full blown outdoorsy camping sleeping under the stars with nothing but a sleeping bag? That would be interesting to try.. I don't think I could do it because of all the bugs. or a bear! could you imagine. heck no. 

Bears were something I was very concerned about the first night here. I thought if we even had a single crumb a bear would be knocking on the doors trying to get it. I even considered tossing my deodorant in the trash because it's citrus scented and I read bears like that! But alas, there were no bears in sight (thankfully). It turned out that I had nothing to worry about and bears didn't actually live around that area.. they were more so 10 miles up from our camp.

I deeply regret not taking my film camera with me on this trip so I edited all my photos to have that film feel! I hope you enjoy them! I'm also FINALLY in the process of getting all of my old film developed so I'm excited to share those within the next month or so! 

I hope you enjoyed this post and as always thank you so much for reading! Now you guys have got to let me know, what's your favorite place to camp? I've got the itch to go camping this summer and I'm looking for some new spots! Let me know in the comments down below! 


Carrot Cake Cupcakes

Have you ever tasted something that was so good that you don't want to eat anything but that for the rest of your life? That's how I feel about the cream cheese frosting on these cupcakes.

Yeah the cupcake itself is amazing too but this frosting.. wow. WOW.

I honestly can't get over how good these were. They are being made again ASAP. 

Here's the recipe so you can make them and see for yourself. The frosting was tweaked a little bit but I'm sure it would be just as good if you follow the recipe from Sugar Spun Run! And because I only changed the recipe for the frosting that's what I'm sharing with you today! But go ahead and click the link above to see the cupcake part of the recipe.

  • 1/2 cup unsalted butter (softened)
  • 8 oz cream cheese (softened)
  • 1 teaspoon vanilla extract
  • 1/4 teaspoon salt
  • 4 cups powdered sugar (I did 3 cups because I don't like overly sweet frosting)

  • Combine butter and cream cheese. Beat until creamy with no lumps.
  • Add vanilla and salt, stir well.
  • With mixer on low, add powdered sugar gradually, mixing well after each.
Now you can either eat this frosting straight out of the bowl or use it on top of your cupcakes or regular cake or even cookies! You do you, boo. 

If you're going to make anything that I've ever shared here on the blog I highly recommend this being the one. It's seriously incredible. Ok. I'm done now, I'm going to go make this frosting. 

See ya next time!