
Spring Weekend Photo Diary

So a couple weeks ago I went with my boyfriend to go film his podcast. If you want, you can listen to it over on youtube!

I didn't know what to expect honestly and I had to be quiet the whole time! So I watched Mama Mia on my phone and listened to music. But the next time I go I'm going to be in charge of the camera.. aka making sure it doesn't stop recording mid shoot.

I had so much fun though! I love listening to my boo talk about cars.

I did take more photos but it was dark and I'm working on editing them to make them look all purdy ya feel. 

Next on our weekend adventure.. BEACH!! Except we always do this. It never gets old though!
Something amazing happened while we sat on a bench to watch the sunset.. A BUNNY HOPPED OUT OF THE BUSHES. I was giddy with excitement. You all (hopefully) saw the picture I posted on my story when it happened.

We also made an appearance at a bonfire with some friends but I have no pictures since I didn't bring my camera! Oops! 

Now since I haven't talked much in this post I wanna chat a lil about some things I'm doing this month! First off, I'm getting my hair done this weekend and I am beyond excited. I've been waiting like 3 months to do this and it's finally happening! I'll share the results via instagram obviously, don't worry. 
Next, I've got a bunch of posts coming! Like I have so many different ideas and cool approaches on things and I'm just really excited for them to come to fruition! Also hollaaaaaa at the fact that I've had a couple posts up this month and I'm gettin serious with this thang!! 

Just very proud of myself for sticking to it. (lol it's been like 3 posts calm down girl) 
Speaking of girl.. have you guys seen New Girl? I'm rewatching it for like the hundredth time and I love it so much. One of my favorite shows for sure. 

My film was developed! Well, some of it was. I got 2 rolls developed and of course, like 2/3 of the pictures were blurry! What can you do though. It was my very first time using a film camera and I'm still learning so I'm not going to let that bring me down! 

Having the pictures in my hand even if they didn't turn out the way I wanted was so special to me. One of my favorite things to do is look through old photos from when I was little. The photos that my mom has from when she was my age. It's so nostalgic and lovely. All of the memories in each one and being able to transport back to the moment when you look at them! 

Anyways, that's enough photo talk. I have a photography update coming soon so I'll go a little more in depth there and even show some of my film that turned out ok! 

See ya next week!

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