
Let's Talk - Earth Day

Happy Earth Day friends!

Do you care about the environment? Do you need some ideas of ways to help this beautiful earth we live on? Well great news! I'm here to help.

Let's talk basics.

Super duper easy things you and I can do. These are small things. Something you can do every single day!

  1. Recycle! This is probably (and hopefully) something you already do! And if you aren't......why
  2. Reusable water bottles! Don't buy single use plastic bottles anymore! Get a water filter and get your water this way. It's so easy and it honestly tastes better than bottled water anyways. Win win situation here. 
  3. Reusable grocery bags!! Keep them in your car and you'll always have them with you! Bonus is that you now won't have to pay for bags at the store (since most of them charge nowadays) 
  4. Switching to bar soap! This is obvious. There's no plastic container to be wasted! And it's also beneficial because, to me, liquid body wash seems to not last long at all for the price it is. 
Now let's get into some harder but still doable things. 

  1. Going meatless a few times a week! Even doing this one day (meatless Mondays duhhhhh) is beneficial. I avoid meat like 3/4 times a week. There's also a lot of meat alternatives on the market right now that tastes just as good! 
  2. Cleaning up. Yup. Have you ever been to the beach and looked around? There's trash EVERYWHERE. I wish this was not true, but unfortunately there's a lot of people out there who don't care and litter. Don't be that person. There's trash cans at the beach. And if there isn't one? Keep your trash with you until you find one. Easy. Now since people probably won't stop doing this, YOU can help by going out to the beach and picking up trash! Get some friends together and do a beach cleanup or even just pick up anything you see when you're out taking a stroll. 
  3. If you wear makeup, try using reusable makeup wipes! Microfiber cloths are great for removing makeup and can be used forever pretty much. Most single use wipes will just sit in a landfill since they can't be recycled. That being said, Simple and Burts Bees make biodegradable makeup remover wipes!
Let's save this earth y'all!

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